How To Calculate Your Opera News Hub Earnings Monthly

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How To Calculate Your Opera News Hub Earnings Monthly

opera news hub revenue model

Are you a new content creator on Opera News Hub or you have been and want to know how the Opera Monthly Revenue is Calculated, then this article will explain everything you need to know.
One thing has been constant about Opera News Hub which is to provide users with good quality contents and also reward the content creators awesomely.
In the past, calculating the Opera News Hub monthly revenue was as simple as multiplying the number of clicks you generate in the month by the value of a click.

There is actually history on how Opera News Hub pays content creators. Most content creators left the platform because they were not pleased with how the monthly revenue was calculated.
The most pained set of creators were those creating original contents, they felt cheated by the system. You can click here to know how Opera News Hub used to calculated creators' monthly revenue.
We soon realised that this system led to the growth of many bad practices that promoted a focus on quantity over quality and ultimately resulted in dissatisfaction among Opera News app readers and low income for creators who submit quality articles.-Opera News Hub
Before you continue, this post may be a little bit long but I will try as much as possible to make it short and loaded.

Opera News Hub Point System (How Opera News Calculates Monthly Revenue)

The new payment system is called the point system. In fact, personally, I think this point payment system is better than the previous system which was based on clicks generated.
Now you may want to ask, how does this point system work? What are the factors Opera News Hub considers?
Well, in this point system, four major factors are put into consideration which are:

  • Total Valid Clicks
  • Account quality
  • Article originality
  • Reading time 
I know you may need more clarification on what these four factors really mean. Just continue reading and I will explain them to you with pictures as we go on.
But these four factors are connected by a simple formula:
OPera News Hub Monthly Revenue = Total Valid Clicks x Total Reading Time Points x Account Quality Points x Article Originality Points 
Before discussing the application of formulas, let’s break down the terms: Please note that the reward points given here are for reference purposes and may change from time to time depending on a number of economic factors as we tune the formula to promote quality.
opera valid clicks
opera quality point
opera reading time
opera original article points
Now that we’ve defined the terms, let’s take a look at the application of the formula in the case studies below.
Case Study 1 – Creator “A” (Let’s call him Efe
Let us assume that Efe is the name of the content creator. And at the end of the month, he got 15 articles published successfully. And the accumulative number of clicks generated from his 15 articles is #250,000 clicks.
Now let’s see how the click points will be calculated.
Published articles = 15 
Total Clicks = 250,000 clicks 
Now before the payment of Efe will be processed, a complete audit of total clicks will be carried out.
And in this audit, they will look for invalid clicks and subtract it from valid clicks.
So it is from the valid clicks that the payments will be processed.
You may want to ask what is meant by valid click and invalid click.
I explained that in the picture above but let me quickly say explain it again.
Imagine you wanted to click an article on Opera News Hub but incidentally clicked the one you don’t want to read.
What will you do?
I bet you will leave the article immediately to go click the one you actually wanted to read.
That kind of click will be considered invalid click by Opera. They will check the time you spent on the article and conclude that you either don’t like what the writer wrote or clicked the article by mistake.
So then, what is considered a valid click? It is when you click the article and spend time reading the article.
Funny enough, if the person spends as little as 5 secs, they click will be counted as a valid click.
It is that simple.

NOTE: If you open the same article multiple times, only one click will be considered.
Now, if you understand what I have said, let’s continue.
  •  Concerning Valid Clicks: Out of Efe’s 250k clicks, only 230k clicks stayed open for more than 5 secs. This means the 20k clicks which did not stay open for more than 5 seconds are invalid and will not be counted. The value of the valid clicks for EFE will be,
 Calculating Total Value of Valid Clicks For Efe = 230,000 x 0.036 = N8,280
Remember, 1 click = #0.036
NOW, let’s consider the second factor, READING TIME.
Mind you, there is a point apportioned to every reading time of your valid clicks.
So that being said, go to the next line and see the example.
  •  Concerning Reading Time Points: Among the 230k valid clicks.
  •  150k clicks had a reading time of 6 – 20 seconds (0.4 points x 150,000) = 64,000 points
  • 60k clicks had a reading time of 21 – 90 seconds (1.0 points x 60,000) = 60,000
  • 20k clicks had a reading time of over 90 seconds (1.4 points x 20,000) = 28,000
Calculating Total Average Reading Time Points For Efe = Total points/total valid clicks = (64,000 + 60000 + 28,000)/230,000 = 0.66
NOW, let’s consider the third factor, ARTICLE ORIGINALITY.
This is the part where most content creators don’t like at all.
This is because they normally copy articles. They never come up with original contents.
So this has become a big blow for them.
  • Concerning Article Originality Points: Out of Efe’s 15 articles only 5 articles (33.33%) are original, the other ten articles (66.67%) are copied from other creators or news sites. This means EFE falls under the partly original/partly plagiarized group.
Efe’s Originality points will be valued at 0.2 points 
NOW, let’s consider the last factor, ACCOUNT QUALITY.
This is one factor Opera News Hub content creators like because the point is very high.
So let’s see how it goes.
  • Concerning Account Quality Points: If out of Efe’s 5 original articles only 3 were of good quality. It means that out of a total of 15 submitted articles only 20% is of good quality. Meaning that Tolu has a low-quality account 
Low Quality Account value = 0.5
From what you have just read about ACCOUNT QUALITY, it is not about publishing articles, it is about publishing high-quality articles.

How To Calculate Opera Monthly Income

Now let’s calculate Efe’s payment for the month using the earlier stated formula:
Monthly Revenue = Total Valid Clicks x Reading Time Points x Article Originality Points x Account Quality Points
Total Valid Clicks = N8,280
Reading Time Points = 0.66
Article Originality Points = 0.2
Account Quality Points = 0.5
EFE’s Revenue for the month = N8280 x 0.66 x 0.5 x 0.2 = N546.48
That is very small!!! It looks really discouraging. But before you get discouraged, see another example below and you will be thrilled.

Now let’s consider another example, but this time for another account with a better quality rating. 
I will not be explaining as I explained before because it is the same terms.
Case Study 2 – Creator “B” (Let’s Call Her Nene)
Number of published articles in June = 15
 Total Clicks in June = 250,000 clicks
After auditing Nene’s account, we discovered the following 
  • Nene’s Valid Clicks = 230,000 clicks (for articles above 5 seconds reading time) = 230,000 x N0.036 = N8280
  • Nene’s Reading Time Average – 1.4 points (all her articles were read over 90 secs)
  • Nene’s Article Originality Points – 1 point (none of her articles were copied from another news site or creator)
  • Nene Account Quality Points – 4 points (very high-quality submissions, very little grammatical errors, very little rejections)
Remember the formula: 
Monthly Revenue = Total Valid Clicks x Reading Time Points x Article Originality Points x Account Quality Points
Nene’s Revenue For June = N8280 x 1.4 x 1 x 4 = N46,368
You can see how high she has just earned. I think this is very encouraging.
example of how opera news hub payment is calculated
Note that: 
  • Both Efe and Nene had the same total number of valid clicks (230,000 clicks) 
  • Both Efe and Nene earned the same value for their valid clicks (N8280)
  • Nene had a higher reading time point (1.4 vs 0.66) because she had longer and more interesting articles than Tolu
  • Nene also had a higher article originality point (0.8 vs 0.2) because none of her articles were copied from another news site or creator
  • And finally, Nene had a higher account quality point (8 vs 0.5) because she had many high-quality submissions, very little grammatical errors and very little rejections. 
As a result, Nene’s total earning for the month of June is N46, 368 compared to Efe’s N546.48
NOTE: Everything is just to encourage high-quality creators. Opera News Hub cannot control who registers as a creator and cannot completely censor all the articles being published, but to encourage high-quality creators, these new revenue calculations have been adopted.
opera news hub dont forget
The reward points given here are for reference purposes and may change from time to time depending on a number of economic factors as we tune the formula to promote quality.
Quick Tips: 
Attracting More Valid Clicks
  • A simple way to increase your total valid clicks is to make your title and cover image more attractive and publish more often.  
  • Grow the number of followers on your WeMedia account. This will increase your impressions and ultimately increase your clicks. The easiest way to grow your followers is to build credibility and interest with quality articles. 
Improving Your Reading Time Points
  • Well written interesting articles increase your reading time points. Long but boring articles don’t increase your reading time, good stories do. 
  •  Keep your articles interesting by adding a good mix of pictures that are related to your article. 
  • Always preview before publishing to ensure your content has a good format and layout. Very well formatted article increases reading time.
  • Articles with many interesting comments get more reading time. Learn to structure your writing in a way that pulls your audience to share their opinion after they read your content.  
Improving Your Quality Points
  • Well researched articles that demonstrate expertise increase your quality points. 
  • Proofreading and spell checking your articles increase your account quality points
  • Avoiding plagiarism increases your article originality points.
In Conclusion
While you grow your clicks, we recommend you build a strategy that equally pays attention to publishing interesting original articles, eliminating grammatical errors from your submissions and keeping your rejecting rate low. 

