#Social Etiquette in Business

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

Social Etiquette in Business

by Lisa Nielsen
If you were asked to travel to China for your business, you would probably be expected to attend at least one business meal. The same applies if you visited New York for business. To make either meal a success, you need to know something about the standards of behavior expected in each locale. Etiquette refers to standards that govern socially acceptable behavior in a given situation. Business social etiquette refers to standards that govern any business-related social interactions held away from work.
History of Business Social Etiquette
In 1922, Emily Post was just as concerned with business etiquette as she was with etiquette regarding personal situations. She wrote that making a pleasant impression was not only good manners, it was good business as well. The business literature written since then is reflective of this theme. Whether the discussion is the proper social business etiquette when entertaining international clients at dinner or how to behave with your co-workers at the company picnic, the idea is to make a winning impression with your clients, co-workers, and other stakeholders of the company you work for.

Appropriate Boundaries

Although the new millennium has seen a relaxing of general social interactions, it is important to know what is appropriate in business social situations and what is not. What is appropriate in one company may not be in another. Some businesses are more formal than others and require more formality in the workplace as well as at company social events. When you and your colleagues get together after-hours, you should behave in a fashion that does not make you the talk of the office the following morning.
It is also important to understand the business's hierarchy and follow its norms. Unless you know your boss quite well, it is best not to ask questions that she might regard as too personal even though a casual social situation may prompt them. However, in the same social situation, you may be able to ask a peer a personal question without your tact being called into question.
At-Work Functions
Celebrating a co-worker's birthday or lunch with the team to mark the end of a successful project are at-work social functions. Your behavior can be more informal on these occasions. The idea is to let your hair down a little and enjoy the company of your co-workers and leave your workday life behind for a while. However, it does not mean that you can crack off-color jokes, overeat or demean anyone in the group. You are still expected to behave in a business-like manner.

After-Hours Functions

After-hours functions include the company holiday party, company picnics, company-sponsored trips to the ballgame or dinner with clients. Here your behavior can change somewhat depending on the locale. For example, good business social behavior at the holiday party or at client dinners means not over-drinking and making an effort to remember that the event is really a business event; your demeanor should, at all times, reflect that understanding. Similarly, the company picnic is more informal, so a more informal dress is appropriate, as is more informality in your interactions with co-workers. Just remember that it is still a business event nonetheless, and that you want to be remembered for your social graces.

Social Norms in Foreign Countries

If you are doing business in a foreign country, it is wise to learn the culture first before attempting to do business as social norms may be entirely different from what you experience at home. If your Spanish business associates are taking you to dinner, expect to spend several or more hours and to eat late into the evening. You will also benefit if you make the effort to learn key phrases in your hosts' native language. It shows them you care about them and do not take their business for granted. In some countries, you are overstepping boundaries by touching people other than in a handshake. What is appropriate at home is not appropriate elsewhere.

