Art Outreach At Aje Compreshensive Senior High School 1st November 2023

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 Art Outreach At Aje Compreshensive Senior High School 1st November 2023 | Lagos Mainland.


Watch out for more coming soon...

Art Outreach. Next: 1. 2.3. November 8, 2023. Art Outreach. Next: 1. 2. 2024


.The first school to participate in the art outreach will be on November 1, 2023. We started the outreach with SS1 and SS2 students. And by next week, Wednesday, November 8, 2023, we shall continue with SS3 students with pencil drawings and water color on papers. Our foundation was able to supply the materials used, like pencils and drawing papers, for the outreach. We had a lot of art students and others who took part in the art outreach according to a report from the school art teacher Mrs. Idowu at Aje Comprehensive Senior High School.
How it works.

  • Students are allowed to do still life drawings and imaginative composition during the art outreach.
  • We select students to do water color.
  • We select the best drawings and water color
  • Documenting the art works for reference purpose and future use
  • Planning towards art exhibition for the students and many more

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Creative Arts Solution Foundation

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Handle: @CreativeArtsSolutionFoundation



.................................................................................................................................Curated by Mr, Olusola David, Ayibiowu. Assisted by Mrs. Oyinlola G. Ayibiowu.


..........................................Mrs Idowu (Art Teacher) .Pencils used during the art outreach...Materials were supplied by the foundation for ythe art out reach 2023


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