March Special Holy Ghost Service Day Two | @thehgservice Topic: Let There Be Light 3 Text: Judges 15:9-15 Ministering: @pastoreaadeboyeofficial

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

March Special Holy Ghost Service
Day Two | @thehgservice
Topic: Let There Be Light 3
Text: Judges 15:9-15
Ministering: @pastoreaadeboyeofficial 

- God is the Light. John 1:5. He is also the Father of Light. James 1:17.
- God, just like the sun, rises from the east. Malachi 4:2
When you say Let there be Light, you are saying; Let God Arise. When God arises it means the light would be focused on you and when this happens, certain things are bound to happen immediately. 

For example, when God arises for you:
1. All your yokes are destroyed, Isaiah 10:27. 
- The yoke of death would be destroyed instantly. Daniel 3:14-27 
- The yoke of stagnation becomes destroyed. Acts 3:1-8, Mark 5:25-34. 

When God Arises for you: 
2. Whatever you touch will begin to prosper. Exodus 4:1-20.
- Whatever you touch becomes a Miracle. Exodus 15:22-25, 2Kings 4:13-31, 2Kings 6:1-7. 

When God arises for you: 
3. It doesn't matter the nature of your external enemies, they will be defeated. 1 Samuel 17:34-51, Numbers 16:1-34 

When God arises for you: 
4. The internal enemies will be humiliated. Genesis 50:15-18, 1 Samuel 22:1-2.

When God Arises for you: 
5. Your rising becomes very rapid. Genesis 41:1-44.

When God Arises for you: 
6. Nobody can stop your rising. Psalm 23:5. 

When God arises for you: 
7. You will laugh last. 1 Samuel 1:1-8; 2, Daniel 6:21-28.
- He who laughs last, laughs best. 

Prayer Points: 
1. Thank God that you are alive and around for this occasion.
2. Father, let Your light shine on me today and destroy all the yokes in my life. 
3. Father, let Your light shine on me today and let everything I touch prosper from now on. 
4. Father, let Your light shine on me today and take care of all my external enemies in your own way. 
5. Father, let Your light shine on me today and very soon, let all my internal enemies come and bow down to me.
6. Father, let Your light shine on me today and let my rising be rapid.
7. Father, let Your light shine on me today and any attempt to stop my rising, please stop it. 
8. Father, let Your Light shine on me today and let me laugh last.

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