Concept Note

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

See Also: Community Development Association 

Creative Arts Solution Foundation: is a non-governmental foundation

Title of the Proposed Project:
Our Community Development

Potential Donor: seek for donors support to fund our project in kind or Cash both home and abroad.

Rationale for the Proposed Project: Our fundamental reasons for working towards this project is to create an atmosphere for community development programs and to provide the basic needs in our community.

Project Goals and Objectives.
Goal was to enable us to do our very best in creating cleaner environment in our community.
Enable the children to live a life that is void of disease.
Mobilize women and Empower women to have a day or voice in our community development.

Project Strategy/ Listing of Project Activities:
Our plan is to organize meeting and programs on a weekly or monthly basis in order to address the issues that are affecting the communities and to proffer solution with immediate effect.
Goal was to enable us to do our very best in creating cleaner environment in our community.
Mobilize women to educate parents on how to take care of their children so that they don't contact disease

Project Activities: Mobilize people who are volunteers on weekly and monthly meetings with the communities development association.

] The expected results are as follows: 
Creating a cleaner environment that is free from viruses and disease that affects our community will be the end result.
Short and long time sustainable development.

Experience and Expertise:
Our experience is based on five years with Community volunteers and as well as our expertise works directly with Community Development Association leaders.

Budget Estimate: $20,000 US Dollars.

Contact person: Mr. Olusola David, Ayibiowu (President/Chairman)
Our blog:
Email Address:
Telephone number: +2348056032631
