Creative Arts Solution Foundation Brief Story

Brief Story.
a non-governmental foundation Incorporated in Nigeria at CAC Abuja on the 10th of December, 2012 Trustee: Mr. Olusola David Ayibiowu (Chairman / President)

  • To foster unity among members.
  • To positively influence youth through the medium of art.
  • To nurture youth who are professionally competent, creative and enterprising into becoming responsible citizens, zealous for the common good of society.
  • To use the medium of art to express and recreate our national image and to conquer barriers in art.
  • To use art through the medium of advert and social media; as a means of utilizing and maximizing the potential of youths across the nation.
  • To channel youths’ creative and intellectual abilities into solving societal challenges.
  • To give instruction and training in such branches of art both home and abroad in order to foster and in doing so, enable youths obtain the advantage of a liberal education.
  • To inspire, through teaching, amongst other means, interest in and appreciation of the Africa heritage and culture.
  • To any purpose promote by research (and other means) the advancement of knowledge of arts and its application of cultural, Socio- economic, scientific and technology problem,

  • To make financial or other provision for any international, national, or local, charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object, or for any exhibition or competition, or for any purpose which may be considered likely directly or indirectly to further the object of the foundation.
  •  To establish, assist or provide resources for any project that appear to be necessary or convenient for the attainment of the objectives of  the foundation.
  • To create programs and establish institutions which encourage the continuous education     and improvement of artists and other person in their professional task. To collaborate with other artist and relevant corporate Foundation to achieve set objective.

To create a plate form for positive social change for young people that aligned 

with arts and to promote democratic value for the future generations.


To reduce poverty through charitable, social change, solutions and empowerment 

in arts educational resource in our nation both home and abroad.


·        Passion for young people

·        Creativity and Originality

·        Leadership and democratic

·         Innovation and research



Sources of Funds
The Foundation is financially supported by Entrance Fees/Sales of the foundation’s form, Monthly Contribution, Surplus arising out of  business of the Society, Miscellaneous sources in special project, Borrowing, Gift, Fines, Donations  either in kind or cash and grants in aid.

The Foundation is open to the public for participation in its foundation activities in helping the social needy. Art Exhibition, Workshop, Seminar, Health talk and Art Review, Skill acquisition/Recruiting are also conducted for the Public in pursuing of the objects of the Foundation.              


 Music Artist Sponsorship 

 Monthly/Weekly Comprehensive Medical Check-Up
·        Global health Days.
·     Eeco group co for recruiting young people for job in collaboration with Jobberman
·        Daily/Weekly/Monthly Art Practices in the studios
·        Quarterly Art workshop/Competitions/Acquisition Skill/Sports
·        Yearly Art Exhibition/Solo Exhibition/Group/Art Seminar / Art Review 
·        Campaign/Charity
·        CASF Talent Show (Talent Hurt)
·        Press Release
·        Children Fun Day
·        Public Safety Research
·        Research programs for women either young women or adult to promote them in general activities.
·        Research Yearly programs
Monthly free meals to needy and many more.
Calendar of Events
·         January New Year Celebration
·         April Ceremony
·         May Celebration
·         July Annual General Meeting
·         September Extraordinary Annual General Meeting
·         December Foundation Anniversary

Other Activities

The Foundation had provided Photos and Videos, Painting’s / Educational material and continued to make donations to the following:

·      Wikimedia and Wikipedia: Wiki Loves Africa 2016 through President Mr. Olusola David, Ayibiowu 

·         VASON through Chairman Mr. Olusola David, Ayibiowu

·         Home for the Disabled

·         Enlighten Children’s Home and many more.


Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc

Account Name : Creative Arts Solution Foundation

Bank Account Number : 1 0 1 5 0 5 3 1 0 2
