Reputation Target

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

Article: Reputation Target
Author: Olusola David, Ayibiowu

Edition: 19

Year: November 2017

Published: Online By Creative Arts Solution Foundation

Find it on: Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr 


The word Reputation according to the dictionary means what somebody is known for.

The Greek word for reputation is φήμη

Just to mention a few translations (what somebody is known for)
French: réputation, renommée (more slang)
German: Ansehen, Ruf, Klang
Italian: reputazione, rumore, caratura
Portuguese: reputação, fama
Russian: репута́ция
Spanish: reputación

"In today′s interconnected consumer economy, the notion that an organization or a company′s reputation can be ′managed′ as an entity or a simple commodity or one–dimensional artifact is dangerously outdated. Every morsel of information no matter how trivial or seemingly innocuous has the potential to go viral in a heartbeat. Reputations that took decades to build can be destroyed in mere moments."

Aliexpress INT

Another way, is in the commercial world the product that a person buy are automatically supported by the manufacturer because of their names are on them and they will do everything possible in their capacity to protect their reputation target in the minds of their consumers.
This shows that a company probably wants its products to succeed and to sell well.
Knowing that its name and image are synonymous in the consumers’ minds, and if a product is faulty the company name can be tarnished -some-times to the point that causing the business to fail.

Have you ever bought an imitation brand of a product that you thought you'd like?
Sometimes, we think that we are saving money when we do this. Yet, often, we got what we pay for. The knock off product wear's out, break down, or fade much more quickly or doesn't function as effectively because it is made of cheaper materials. Then, we have to buy another one to replace it. Going for the imitation can end up being Costlier than buying the brand-name or designer version in the first place

eBay Worldwide
Without any doubt many of us have one time or the other experience of taking a piece of equipment, an appliances, or a car to someone who doesn't know exactly what to do. And claimed they could fix it but we find out afterwards that they are experimenting with our valuable possession with a target of trial -and-error approach to repair.

Reputation Target

The truth about reputation target is that it comes in different ways and we need to walk with a sense of reputation and awesome responsibility, knowing that we have to do what we were born to do before we die. We were not born just to make a living. We were born to give a unique aspect of life to this world, to impact and to make a tremendous contributions to our society.
It’s quite amazing just to realize that Sectionalism and Nepotism have Tarnished Reputation of some people in our world today.

This can also be express in another way by making oneself of no reputation like Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasp [held on to, maintain], but made himself nothing [“of no reputation”], taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

In other words, one of the reasons the Creator supports the reputation and authority He has given us is that His Reputation Target are on the line.
When you know who you are in your God-given authority, the first thing you look for is the authority God has placed in your life to benefit and protect you and release your authority. This is the last thing that most people do. Instead, they look for reputation and power over others; they seek to build organizations, gain followers, and so forth.

The points is that, the Creator gives all people inherent authority, in various realms and for specific reasons, and we are to respond to other people in recognition of their reputation and authority, respecting God’s order.

For example, it was John the Baptist who was authorized to baptize with water. Jesus couldn’t baptize Himself with water. It was God’s established authority to prepare people for the coming of the kingdom of God on earth. Jesus recognized and accepted John as the authority sent from God, through His understanding of the prophetic Scriptures and Johns’ testimony. John knew well the powerful authority of Jesus. Saying “I baptize you with water for repentance….He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire”.

Becoming and doing what you are meant to be and do makes you great is by acting on your authority from God that brings you greatness. Yet the authority that brings greatness is often not what we think it is. It simply means serving others. It doesn’t matter what other people may say about you, there’s something they have to come to you for because you have been given that authority. To explain it further, is that your authority is found in what God has prepared for you to do. If anyone needs what God has gifted you to provide to them with all humility, then there are no substitutes; they have to come to you. When you know you are of great value to God, other people’s opinions and an attempt to degrade or devalue you and treatment of you, even though they may hurt deeply.

Although many people have abused the purpose of reputation target as they currently have great ideas, dreams, and plans for their lives, but they are on a collision course with destruction because they are- or are contemplating-violating the privilege of authority the Creator has given them by seeking their own authority for selfish purposes.

However, the dramatic nature of reputation speaks in our daily activities as human being was made for relationship and for cooperative endeavors, and God’s Authority normally provide the necessary order in which they can be successfully occurs, as this is inseparable from His nature of reputation on the line with authority from who He is. When people are operating and have received foresight and hindsight under the Father’s reputation target and authority, they have access to His help, counsel, correction, instruction, discipline, and loads them with daily benefits and many other benefits that people wouldn’t otherwise have.
Let's take a look at another perspective as you think about your life as being a product of the Creator, Incorporated. He is our Manufacturer. If you've purchased product's that comes with warranty you will notice that manufacturers are very particular about the authorization and the need to follow the instructions carefully step by step.
In another example, a "Limited warranty often occurs ninety days for labor and two years for parts with the first three months of your owing the product, if anything goes wrong, the manufacturer will fix it free of charge-at no cost for labor. But always take a look at the fine print, which includes the word "Condition". Every manufacturer has condition: if you do this, we will guarantee or do that. If you keep this, will perform that. This condition show the manufacturer will replace defective pats at no cost charge to the original owner. They guarantee free replacement; it is what the scripture call grace. An Authorized dealer can do the work of restoration based on the condition included in a manufacturer’s manual as the owner must provide verification of the date purchased requesting limited warranty service.
As there are has to be a point, sometimes, when you bought the item or received it as a gift, so that you own it, as long as the company wouldn’t want to fix a stolen products. One thing that is common with manufacturer is that all repair must be performed by an authorized dealer or facility connected to the company. In the same way if you want a product repairs, you must go to the Authorized Dealer. This is because No experimentation with the product is allowed.

The Brand reputation

Brand reputation refers to how a particular brand (whether for an individual or a company) is viewed by others. A favorable brand reputation means consumers trust your company, and feel good about purchasing your goods or services. An unfavorable brand reputation, however, will cause consumers to distrust your company and be hesitant about purchasing your products or services.

According to research revealed that somehow God May Put His Own Reputation on the Line In Order To Protect and Guarantee Yours?

Moreover, there is need to protect your relationship offline and online reviews, rating and overall presence in order to remove negative thought or content in the mind of people that shows up about you in any form or offline/online because the effect can be catastrophic to your reputation talking from true life stories.

Like Celebrities may need to be watchful about the Paparazzi in newspapers and magazines. But now in the computer age or internet era where everyone with a camera on is phones or cameras with different types of devises and method of taken people photos thinks there is a journalist and knows how to take a picture or video and sell it to National Enquirer or TMZ in seconds.  

Your online image arrives before you do these days and makes incredible first impression about you. Wonder why you didn’t get the interview or job or didn’t get posted as a worker in the House of Worship or Worship Centers getting up to a year or to some people now is even more than years while others are being posted to their various departments it could be what people says about you in a negative way that is really bad or Misunderstood first impression about you or false/fake rumors in mistaken you for another person/fellow or otherwise talking from a true life experiences that shouldn’t be heard in the House of  Worship or Worship Centers or formed a Cabal against you! Or 83% of companies check your online reputation and over half of them admit to not hiring a candidate due to what they find or God knows why He allowed it to be so, and even knows better than we do.

While companies used to be able to shape their brand reputation with ease using traditional advertising and public relations, it is much harder to keep others from damaging your brand without online reputation management in today’s world. This is one of the reason why Online Reputation Management Strategy Needs Online Reviews, Reputation Management Products, Social Media, Social Media For Businesses.

For example, Domino's Pizza

A group of bored Domino’s employees uploaded to Youtube a series of videos in which they played with food ingredients that they claimed were going into meals ordered by customers. The videos went viral, quickly picking up more than one million views, and the employees involved were faced with felony charges. Executives hoped the controversy would die down and did little to communicate what steps Domino’s was taking to rectify the matter over Twitter. That led followers to question whether Domino’s was really doing anything, which led to further consumer distrust and a ruined brand reputation.

Marvin Austin, UNC Football Player.

Austin tweeted a photo of a receipt from the Cheesecake Factory in Washington, DC, where he had racked up a $143 bill.

Marvin Austin Receipt

When members of the local media questioned why he was in Washington, and how he was able to pay for the trip, UNC officials declined to comment. Their silence spurred an NCAA investigation that uncovered 9 NCAA violations including evidence of improper benefits being provided by agents, academic fraud, and a first ever “failure to monitor social media” charge against the University of North Carolina’s athletic department. The controversy led to player suspensions, pink slips for the head coach and associated head coach, a resignation from the athletic director, and a one year ban on postseason play.

In each instance damage to the brand reputation could have been minimized if the organizations had practiced proper online reputation management. Instead, each organization allowed damaging content about itself to be posted online, and did not move quickly enough to control the conversation and minimize the damage. As a result, each brand reputation mentioned above took a hit. Kenneth Cole’s customers viewed the brand as insensitive; pizza consumers viewed Domino’s as a brand that allows its employees to violate health codes; and high school football players viewed UNC’s football brand as a poorly run program.

You should not wait for your company to commit a social media faux pas before engaging in online reputation management. Using social media, message boards, and online review sites, your customers and employees might already be damaging your brand reputation. To take control of your brand reputation, reach out to Reputation911 or
immediately for online reputation management and brand reputation assistance. Every second you wait to reach out to them, allows more time for damaging information about you or your brand to spread online.

Reputation Economy
"Reputation Economics peels back the onion to reveal the dystopia of modern commerce, and the trends, tools, and technologies that allow individuals to take more control of their futures and render business as usual obsolete”.

One of the more interesting trends in recently emerging technologies is the rise of new kinds of exchange platforms: Airbnb, which lets you exchange or rent apartments to strangers; Uber, which creates meritocracies for unlicensed car drivers; Skill share, which allows ad hoc teaching arrangements; and Kickstarter, which facilitates crowdsourced funding.

What unifies them all is a reliance on our ability to get enough information about the person we are exchanging with to feel comfortable setting the terms on an individual basis. In other words, they are economies of reputation.

Work Culture Affecting Your Reputation

CultureIQ blog has covered time and time again, positive work culture drives employee engagement. However, company culture affects far more than how your employees feel about the company and their work. Work culture also plays a part in how the outside world feels about your company.

Here are some ways in which your internal work culture is affecting your external reputation:

One of the most obvious examples of this subject is in a recruitment context. In order to stay competitive, you need to attract the best talent. As it turns out, the best talent is attracted to the best organizational culture. Nowadays, this information is accessible at one’s fingertips through websites like Glassdoor. It’s also accessible in a less formalized yet equally powerful way–  word of mouth from one’s network.

Current Customers

Happy employees create happy customers. According to a Gallup report, companies in the top quartile of employee engagement outperformed those in the bottom quartile by 10% in customer satisfaction. It’s evident that the way employees feel about their job and company can seep into their customer interactions. That’s great news if your company culture produces an engaged and happy customer relations team!

To ensure that your work culture and customer interactions are always in sync, consider formally incorporating customer satisfaction into your culture. For example, Zappos lists “Deliver WOW Through Service” as their first core value.

Potential Customers

In today’s landscape, how current and former employees feel about your company culture can make an appearance in all sorts of public forums– Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, Quora, etc. Word spreads faster than ever, and it will influence how the general public feels about your company. This can be a really powerful marketing tool for your company, or it can have the opposite effect.

Think about it: have you ever heard someone say “Oh, I’ve heard that’s a miserable place to work” at the mention of a company’s name? Even if you make a great product or offer a fantastic service, a comment like that can leave a bad taste in one’s mouth.

On the other end of the spectrum, potential customers might hear about your service or be driven to your company simply because of your take on company culture.

Work culture can be a powerful asset that attracts new hires and customers to your company, or it can drive them away. Make sure you know how your employees feel about your company culture, and what that means for your reputation to the general public.

In Summary,

Your Reputation Target, Personal or Business Online Brand is now just a “click” away for all the world to see. If you don’t take control of it, some group of people or someone else will.


Dr. Myles Munroe
William DiAntonio
Josh Klein,
