RCCG APRIL 2020 HOLY GHOST SERVICE- Let there be light 4. Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye

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EDITOR: Olusola David, Ayibiowu

Topic: Let There Be Light 4

Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-3, Matthew 12:34

Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye

 Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye

We’ll be considering what Divine Priorities means. The first time God spoke to man; Genesis 1:24:

He said “Be blessed”.
That was his first statement to man and when God blesses, no one can curse. In the mighty name of Jesus, Be blessed!

Then secondly He said; “Be Fruitful”. If you’ve been experiencing one delay or the other, I hearby decree; Be fruitful!

Then He went one to say; “Multiply”. In the name that is above every other name, begin to multiply!

God went on to say *“Be Dominant”*. I’m saying to all my children, whatever may be your career, you will prosper. 

Your name is the most important thing about you and the first time God introduced Himself to man is found in: Genesis 17:1. 

- The Almighty means the one who has all might. Psalms 62:11, Luke 1:37

- The name El-shaddai means the one who is all sufficient. Psalms 68:19

God is the one who has so much that he can load everyone with blessings.

Decree: I hereby decree that everything considered impossible in your life shall become possible In Jesus name. I’m praying that the loads of blessings that he has in store for you shall be released unto you tonight. Whatever blessings you’ve received from God until this moment, receive double in Jesus name.

God is inexhaustible. Ephesians 3:20
I’m praying that when it’s time to pray tonight, you won’t ask God for small things because no matter how big it is, He has and can do more than enough. Tonight, ask Him for your biggest request and tonight in the name above every other names, he will grant you your request.
The third time that you can consider that God introduced himself to man is found in: Gen 18:1-14, Psalms 50:9-13, Judges 6:17-21.

Several things happened in Gen 18-1-14.
All the prophecies that God made to Abraham was fulfilled in one day. Numbers 23:19, Ecclesiastics 3:1, Pslams 115:3. Every prophecy he had given became a decree.

Decree: I decree today that everything you need to make your joy full, you will receive tonight in Jesus name.,
The prophecies God made became decrees the moment he ate in Abraham’s tent. John 2:1-11.

Prayer: Before the sun rises, everything that is “Not yet” in your life will become “Now” in Jesus name.

How mighty is He? Read Matthew 3:9
He is so mighty that he can reverse the irreversible. Romans 4:16-19, John 11:39-45.

Decree: In the Name that is above every other name, that irreversible will become reversed. All the prophecies you’ve received From the Lord will become a decree in Jesus name. In the name above every other name, your mouth will be filled with laughter in Jesus name. Psalms 126:1-3 

Decree: I decree, from now on, in your homes there will always be laughter In Jesus name.

Conclusion: God is unchangeable. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His initial wish for you is to be blessed and he has not changed his mind. He hasn’t changed his words in Ezekiel 18:4. He only made provision for you to escape the death that sin can bring by sending His son Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23.
Don’t joke with God, he is the Almighty. He is a very good friend but a very dangerous enemy. 

Altar Call
If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ, just bow your head wherever you are and ask him to please save your souls. Tell him you will serve for the rest of our life. 

Lord I thank you for your word, I ask Lord that all those who are surrendering their lives to you now, please accept them, write their names in the book of life and add them to the family of Christ.

Prayer Points.

1. Thank the Almighty God for his preservation and mercy

2. Father, that original blessing that you pronounced in Adam & Eve please pronounce it afresh on me and my family today.

3. Jehovah El-Shaddai prove yourself in my life and in my family that you’re more than sufficient, no matter how big our requests might be tonight. Do more than we can ever ask for.

4. Father you’re welcome in my home, please come and dine with us.

5. Every prophecy that you’ve directed in my direction, turn it to a decree tonight. Let it be done this very night. 

6. From now on my Father, let it be joy and laughter all the days of my life.

7. Individual Requests to God.

Final Blessings: Father, thank you for your love. I ask that the original blessings that you released upon Adam & Eve, please release on your children. Let your children be fruitful, let them multiply. Prove your al-mightiness in the lives of these your children, from now on, let there be only shouts of joy in the homes of these your children. Let them serve you with gladness and tonight visit all of us, from this moment on whenever with sit to eat, please come and dine with us in Jesus name.

- Pastor E.A. Adeboye 

April 2020 Holy Ghost Service 

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