Four-Month In A Year That Represent Ember Months

Creative Arts Solution
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Four-Month In A Year That Represent Ember Months

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These are the four-month that represent ember months in a year.

As a matter of fact, ember months are September, October, November, and December period.
This time is single out as Season's Greetings and the awareness toward the new year as people's use to say.

Time like these normally shows three kinds of people with different mindsets.

One who has hope, he or she is happy and believes that it is not over yet until is over, while still Trusting in God.

Someone else is thinking about what they have made in a year in building Wealth, clothes, feeding and traveling, etc.

And others with the terrible fears of the unknown before the year ends because of the ember months and especially in this COVID-19 Pandemic.

Nobody Knows tomorrow but God is all-knowing.

What's your mindset on ember months?

So let's gets inspire as we hear from everyone by contributing to this platform.

The article was written by Olusola David, Ayibiowu on Opera News Hub

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