Difference Between Occupation and Profession

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Difference Between Occupation and Profession

Occupation is an activity undertaken by the person to earn his livelihood. It can be business, profession or employment that a person undertakes to make money. Many think that occupation and profession are synonyms, but the fact is they are different.

Profession is an activity that requires specialised training, knowledge, qualification and skills. It implies membership of a professional body, and certificate of practice. The individuals who undertake a profession of rendering personalised services are called professionals, who are guided by a certain code of conduct, set up by the respective body.
The line of demarcation between occupation and profession is thin and blurred. When a professional is paid for his skill or talent, it is known as occupation. Check out the article to know some more differences.

Content: Occupation Vs Profession

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

MeaningOccupation refers to the regular activity performed by a person to earn his bread and butter.A profession is an occupation or vocation which requires a high degree of knowledge and expertise in the specific field.
Code of conductNoYes
TrainingNot necessaryCompulsory
Regulated by statuteNoYes
Basis of payProduceSkill and Knowledge
Higher educationNoYes
Degree of independenceThere is no independence.A professional is completely independent.
Respect and StatusLowVery high

Definition of Occupation

Occupation refers to the kind of economic activity endeavoured by a person regularly for earning money. When someone engages or occupies himself, most of the time, in any economic activity, that activity is known as their occupation.
Example: Drivers, shopkeepers, a government servant, clerks, accountants, etc.
An occupation does not necessarily require specialised schooling in a particular stream. Physical or mental both kinds of jobs are included in an occupation. It is divided into the following categories:
  • Business: When a person in engaged in any trade, commerce or manufacturing activities, he is said to be doing business.
  • Employment: The occupation in which a person works for others and gets a fixed and regular income is employment.
  • Profession: The occupation in which a person renders services to others, by applying his knowledge and skills is a profession.

Definition of Profession

A profession is an occupation, for which a person has to undergo specialised training or internship, for getting a high degree of education and expertise in the concerned area. The main objective of the profession is to render services to those who need them.
The profession is governed by a professional body or statute. To be called as a professional, a person has to pursue higher studies and qualify the exam conducted by the governing body. Normally, a professional is said to be an expert in his field. Ethical codes are developed by the professional body which must be followed by the professionals, to ensure uniformity in their work.
Example: Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountant etc.

Key Differences Between Occupation and Profession

The major differences between occupation and profession are discussed as under:
  1. An activity performed by a person normally for monetary compensation is known as the Occupation. Profession refers to vocation, in which high degree of education or skills is required.
  2. Unlike occupation, the profession has a code of conduct.
  3. Occupation does not require any sort of training in a particular field, but the profession requires specialisation in a specific area, and that is why training is a must.
  4. In general, the profession is regulated by a particular or professional body statute while an occupation is not.
  5. A person doing occupation get paid for what he produces, whereas a profession gets paid according to his knowledge and expertise.
  6. The profession is also an occupation when the person is paid for utilising his skills and expertise.
  7. A professional is independent, i.e. his work is not influenced by any external force. Conversely, there is a lack of independence in the profession because the person performing the occupation has to follow the commands of his supervisors.
  8. There are some responsibilities which are associated with the profession. However an occupation is not backed with such responsibilities.
  9. The basic pay in the profession is normally higher than in occupation.
  10. The professionals are respected by people and have a high status in the society as compared to the occupation.


After the above discussion, it can be said that the occupation is a broader term, and it includes profession. While occupation also includes those jobs that are ordinary and hence they don’t get high recognition from the society, Professionals are mainly known by their jobs, and that is why they receive a high level of respect and recognition from the society.

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