This Is How Fraudsters Can Transfer Your Money With Just Your Phone Number And Account Number

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

Edited by: Olusola David, Ayibiowu
Last Updated: June 12, 2020


This Is How Fraudsters Can Transfer Your Money With Just Your Phone Number And Account Number 

First thing first, let me first make you the reader understand

and appreciate the importance of keeping your bank details

safe in this pandemic period because of bank not opening

their various branches in various locations.

This incident happened on Friday 3rd July on my way home

from work, I was attacked and my phone was collected but I

wasn’t that bothered, why?

Because the phone in question has deprecated up to zero

value, meaning I have completely used it up to the last kobo

of the amount I bought, after all I have been using it since 


As a result, I was not even bothered and I continued my

journey like nothing happened, even had time to play PES

with my friends when I got home.

Not until I opened my Laptop and mails kept popping up

and guess what! Those mails were debit alert from my

bank account and I was perturbed and dumbfounded.

How come? How possible? How can this be done without

my Debit card (ATM Card)?

These among others were the questions bothering my mind that night till the day break.

What even worsened the was that I got to realize very late in the night and I can’t go out again to use ATM.

I quickly call MTN to help me block the sim card but it was already late.

That now made me to begin a research as to how it was possible for the hoodlums to be able to transfer the money even without know my mobile banking pin and ATM pin.

In my research I noticed they used a payment platforms. With that platform all what needed for money to be transferred from your bank account is your phone number and Account number.

An OTP will be sent to the number so far it’s the one connected to you account and with that OTP, your money is gone.

Another thing I got to realize which is a kind of deficiency to our banks is that, those people first loaded card directly with my Sim mainly to know the balance in the account. This was possible because no pin is required for buying card for oneself from one’s account which is very bad and not too good.

I hope bank will look into that soon.

My recommendations to my readers when such incident

happen are:

1. If you are still having your debit card (ATM card) with you,

quickly go to a nearest ATM to withdraw your money in your

bank account.

2. If not possible to go ATM due to one reason or the other,

then quickly call MTN to help you block your sim without

wasting time.

3. Find a way to also contact your bank customer service

center and narrate it to them to help you disconnect both
the internet banking and USSD service connected to your

account and by that your money is safe.

Kindly share this information with your loved ones to help them safe their hard earned money.


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