Opera Fee Terms

Creative Arts Solution

a non-governmental foundation

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Fee Terms
In exchange for the services described above, O-Play will pay Influencer as follows:
You pay will include 2 parts:Traffic bonus + Engagement bonus
1.1. Part1: Traffic bonus
Traffic bonus will be based on how many clicks one article get.
For example:
if your article is with 1 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 0.036₦
if your article is with 100 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 3.6₦
if your article is with 1,000 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 36₦
if your article is with 10,000 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 360₦
if your article is with 25,000 clicks, the article will get 2.5 * 360 = ₦ 900
Since opera news hub is a big platform, it’s relatively easy to get more than 10,000 clicks. You can refer to some real examples of article with are with more than 10,000 clicks
You can refer to Tips for Getting More Traffic to see the tips for an article to get more clicks
NOTE: A simple and quick tips to improve your article click is to share to social network and/or forward to your friends, all those clicks are counted.
1.2. Part2: Engagement bonus
Extra pay will be based on how many engagement did your article harvest in Opera News
platform: Share + Comment.
Only article with more than 100 engagements will be eligible for the engagement bonus.
For article with more than 100 engagements, it will be paid ₦ 1800 per 100 engagement.
For example:
If your article is with 20 engagements, the article will not get engagement bonus
If your article is with 250 engagements, the article will get 2.5 * 1800 = ₦ 4500 as engagement bonus
NOTE: A simple and quick tips to improve your article click is to share to social network and/or forward to your friends, which will bring more engagements for your article (share, comments)
Payment instructions
OPay payments will be processed by our payment team after your total income reaches 2000 naira. We want every payment to be transferred as quickly as possible; we have, however, very little control over the actual payment processing banks and are unable to force your transactions through. We highly recommend OPay because it's the quickest way for your payment to be processed.
Additionally, as Opera News grows, we have to process a much higher number of payments. We're committed to continually improving payment processing to make it faster and more reliable.
We suggest OPay for the quickest processing time. Payment information may be added by going to 'Account' > 'OPAY ACCOUNT’ > 'Link your Opay account'.
One thing to keep in mind: please make sure you fill in the correct payment withdrawal information. You shall bear all losses that results from any errors in the payment account information provided by you.
Once your total earnings reach 2000 Naira, we will confirm your total income for the previous month on the 1st to the 15th (GMT/UTC) of each month (Postponed During Holiday), and will pay you through OPay at the end of this month .OPay payments will be processed by our payment team after review your income. We want every payment to be transferred as quickly as possible; we have, however, very little control over the actual payment processing banks and are unable to force your transactions through. We highly recommend OPay because it's the quickest way for your payment to be processed.
Additionally, as Opera News grows, we have to process a much higher number of payments. We're committed to continually improving payment processing to make it faster and more reliable

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