Treat and Cure CoronaVirus at Home Without Using Any Drugs - By Hospital Dr. Negrin, Spain.

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Treat and Cure CoronaVirus at Home Without Using Any Drugs - By Hospital Dr. Negrin, Spain.
Mar 23, 2020 10:02 AM

This information was passed on by an employee from the Hospital Dr. Negrin, Spain

The chinese now understand the behavior of the Covid 19 virus thanks

to autopsies  that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing

respiratory  pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways

and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to be able to apply a medicine

you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used

to take effect. However, all of these takes a number of days.


1. Drink lots of hot liquids Ex: Coffee, soups, tea or warm water - take a sip of warm

 water every 20 minutes because this keeps your mouth moist and washes any virus 

that entered your mouth into your stomach with a gastric juices will neutralize it

before it can get into the lungs.

2. Gargle with an antiseptic in warm water Ex: Vinegar, salt or lemon - everyday if 


3. The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes, any detergent or soap kills it, but you 

must take a bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down

anywhere and go straight to the bathroom or shower. If you cannot wash your clothes 

daily, hang them in direct sunlight which also neutralizes the virus.

4. Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viable on these 

for up to 9 days - Take note and be vigilant about touching handrails and door handles 

etc. unless you're keeping them clean or wiping them down regularly.

5. Don't smoke.

6. Wash your hands every 20 minutes using any soap that foams and do it for seconds

 and wash your hands thoroughly.

7. Eat fruits and vegetables - try to elevate your zinc levels and not just vitamin C 

levels. Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viable on 

these for up to 9 days - Take note and be vigilant about touching handrails and door 

handles etc.unless you're keeping them clean or wiping them down regularly.

8. Animals do not spread virus to people - It's a person to person transmission.

9. Try to avoid getting the common flu because it will weaken your system and try to 

avoid eating and drinking cold things.

10. If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat is coming on, attack it 

immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system this way and 

remains for 3 or 4 days within the throat before it passes into the lungs.

Stay safe everyone, please SHARE and LIKE to help fight COVID 19.

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