Prodigy School Management Software

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation

See also: School Exam Management System (SEMS)

                                                     Presentation at Igbobi College Yaba
                                                                       August 23 2019

Prodigy School Management Software
A web-based school management software for growing schools and group of schools.


Prepared for:

Submitted by:

Mr, Olusola David, Ayibiowu
Date: 2019

Table of Contents

Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 2

Statement of Problem ........................................................................................................ 2

ACADEMICS ........................................................................................................................ 3

ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................. 3

FINANCE ............................................................................................................................... 3

COMMUNICATION .............................................................................................................. 3

Proposed Solution ............................................................................................................. 4

ACADEMICS ........................................................................................................................ 4

ADMINISRTATION .............................................................................................................. 4

FINANCE ............................................................................................................................... 4

COMMUNICATION .............................................................................................................. 4

Why Us .................................................................................................................................. 5

After Sales Support ........................................................................................................... 5

Flexibility .............................................................................................................................. 5

Software Updates ............................................................................................................... 5

Growth & Scalability .......................................................................................................... 5

Data Security & Privacy .................................................................................................... 5

Availability & Backup ........................................................................................................ 5

Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 6

Deployment, Training and Support ................................................................................ 6

Pricing ................................................................................................................................... 6

Contact................................................................................................................................... 6

Executive Summary
In this document, we propose a School Management Software (PRODIGY SMS) for use in
your school. PRODIGY SMS is a web based school management software that automates
school processes, unifies systems that are fragmented in schools and uses data science to
create a cost efficient and improved administration process.
Our software is an all in one package.

•It can be used by Montessori, Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Special
Needs Schools
•Supports different types of school curriculums (American, British, and IPC).
•Supports different types of academic reporting systems. (Progress report,
End of term, weekly, Midterm, IGCSE and many more)

•Fee/Income Management
•Budget/Expense Management
•Payroll System
•Bank reconciliation
•Local currency support

•It is a complete information system (staff,student,parent and other stake
•Can handle other administrative operations such as staff management
student management, hostel, inventory and many more.

•SMS(Bulk SMS)
•Internal Messaging

Statement of Problem
Every school has a mission/objective and yearly goals, but only a few can boast of fulfilling
her mission or achieving 5% of her yearly goal. The reason isn’t as a result of big goals, but
inefficient operation method and poor decision making. Poor decision making as a result of
insufficient data, bad data, unstructured/fragmented data.
Data (structured data) is very important in school administration as it gives a clear insight
about the schools overall performance (as it is used to define needs, set goals, plan
interventions, and evaluate progress).
We’ve researched and discovered problems in four key sections of school administration.

1. The traditional way of result computation, compilation, grading and processing takes
too much time and gives room for a lot of mistakes, stresses the teachers and
sometimes schools don’t even meet up with the deadline set for result collection.
2. Student’s performance and learning progress cannot be easily and continuously
tracked over a long period of time as a result of fragmented systems.
3. Storage of student records becomes messy and very expensive at the long run. Also
the retrieval of student records can be a big problem as it would take time to go
through files and cabinets.
4. Since the traditional method of record storage is paper based, it is prone to rodent
and in the case of a fire incident all records can be lost.

1. Redundancy in administration process as a result of fragmented system/sections in
school administration.
2. Poor decision making as a result of bad data, insufficient, untracked and dormant
3. Poor/inefficient operation method that creates layers. These layers increases the
cost and time of getting things done.

1. Overwhelming process in the tracking of fee payment
2. Fraud
3. No budgeting, untracked expenditures and income
4. Incomplete/poor financial reporting

1. Poor, unreliable, in effective and undefined communication channel
2. Fragmented contacts of stakeholders (Parent, staff etc.) which result into stressful
gathering and sorting.

Proposed Solution
Prodigy School Management Software provides schools with well-designed tools needed to
achieve their goals. Our software automates processes, use data science to analyze schools
data and presents information in a comprehensive way for easy and quick decision making.
Based on the problems we have discovered, our software helps schools solve them by:

1. Automating the process of computation, compilation and grading of student result.
This gives room for faster result preparation, reduces error and teachers workload,
saves time and cost in the purchase of stationaries especially paper.
2. Easy tracking of students’ performance and learning progress in real time and gives
room for continuous analysis.
3. Easy access to students records as all records are digitized and can be accessed from
any device, anywhere in the world.

1. Eliminating redundancy and inefficient method of operation with automation. This
cuts down layers already created and cuts down on cost and the time taken to get
things done, also ensures an organized and seamless administration process.
2. Analyzing school data (big data) and simplifying the outcome in a comprehensive
format helps schools in decision making, setting and prioritizing goals, and
monitoring progress.
3. Providing a digital storage of schools’ data and ensuring availability anytime it is
needed. At the click of a button, schools can retrieve, sort, search, update existing
records and add new ones.

1. Easy and real-time tracking of all financial activities from income (fees, donations,
funding etc.) down to payment of staff salaries and other forms of expenditures.
2. Real-time insight into school finance and collaboration with your team regardless of
your location.
3. Structured financial report and comprehensive presentation to inform better
business/financial decision.
4. Automated auditing, checks and balances to prevent fraud.

Eliminating needless complexity and stressful sorting, Prodigy School Management Software
makes communication across the board easy via different channels (text message, email and
internal messaging). Communication is streamlined so that parents, staff, students, directors
and administrators can work together

Why Us
Combining automation (which improves school administration process and adds efficiency
to school operations) and data science (that gives schools the right information at the right
time), Prodigy School Management Software has been helping schools across Africa achieve
their goals.

After Sales Support
Our deal with your school does not end after your installation. To us, we are in partnership
with you towards achieving your goals. We offer amazing support. To that effect, our
support lines are always available. Call on us, we are always ready to help.

The school system & processes constantly changes, better methods and standards are
always adopted in order to improve the system. Having this in mind, we are open to
feedback from you and your request for additional functionality, features and modules to
meet you and your school's needs.

Software Updates
The rate of development of ICT is taking place with considerable speed. With the
introduction of new devices and technologies, new user requirements always emerge and
existing ones keep changing. We are constantly innovating and evolving, and our software is
constantly being updated and upgraded.

Growth & Scalability
The goal of every organization is to grow. As your school grows, the overall data of your
school keeps growing too. Prodigy School Management Software is designed with scalability
in mind. As you grow we grow with you. Be it 200 or 200,000 students and staff, Prodigy
School Management Software would handle your data.

Data Security & Privacy
The security and privacy of your school data is very important to us. We have put systems in
place that ensures that data transfers are encrypted with an end-to-end encryption so that
unauthorized parties can’t access it. Prodigy School Management Software ensures that
every user is being authenticated, authorized and identified. We do not sell or share your
school data and assure you of your data's confidentiality and integrity.

Availability & Backup
By using Prodigy School Management Software, your school data is available to you at any
time. Well designed and formidable systems have been put in place to ensure maximum
uptime. We ensure an automatic backup of your school data which you can download.

Prodigy school management software works online, No hard ware installation is required.
All you would need to start using our product is any device (PC, laptop and smart phone)
with a browser and access to the internet. All activities/operations are done online.
Accessing your school data can be done from anywhere and anyplace in the world.

Deployment, Training and Support
An MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) would be presented to your school to be signed,
after which software installation/deployment would be done online. A private URL would be
generated for your school which would be used to access PRODIGY SMS.
Depending on the country and location of your school we would provide an onsite/offsite
training. A link to our knowledge base which contain both documented and videos tutorials
would also be provided for continuous learning.
Your school (directors, staff and other authorized personnel) would have access to our
support team from Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 6:00pm. Support channels would be

Our pricing is simple and you can change your plan at any time. Find attached to this
document the plans we provide and it’s pricing.


Mr, Olusola David, Ayibiowu
PHONE NUMBER: +2348056032631
