Olusola David, Ayibiowu at The School of Disciples

Creative Arts Solution
a non-governmental foundation
Article: Olusola David, Ayibiowu at the School of Disciples
Author: Olusola David, Ayibiowu

Edition: 20

Year: November 2017

Published: Online By Creative Arts Solution Foundation 


Many year's ago Ayibiowu Olusola David who enrolled for SOD at RCCG Grace Tabernacle when it was under Lagos Province 5 and has successfully completed the School of Disciples as a graduand with a Certificate that certifies that he has successfully participated in the Graduate Course of the SOD and benefitted from the teachings with a date that shows 

Given this 21st Day of February 2009

The Graduation 2008 Year Book Volume 1 Page 80, for the School of Disciples The  Redeemed Christian Church of God. As he also appear on this particular page the third person photo.

SOD Graduation 2008 Year Book Volume 1. 
Pages 1-375

Page 03
The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Page 04

Pastor E.A. Adeboye 
Principal, School of Disciples,
President, Christ The Redeemer's Ministries 
General Overseer,
The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Page 06

Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye 
Mother -In-Isreal,
Vice President (Education & School Movement),
Director of Children Education 

Ayibiowu Olusola David is the third person photo on this SOD Graduation 2008 Year Book

SOD Graduation 2008 Year Book Volume 1. Page 80. Pages 1-375

About the SOD

The school of disciples which started in 1985 is co-ordinated by the Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries, an evangelical arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. It is a school where Christians of all denominations learn how to be a true and genuine disciples of Jesus Christ, how to study to show oneself approved unto God.
The church has always been engaged in spiritual warfare right from her inception. And it has always been battles of life and death. The enemy has always devised various instruments and means of battle. But the church has always triumphed because in her ranks are the duplicates of Jesus Christ the original victor. These are His disciples, men who faithfully endured hardness and who were ever-ready to earnestly contend for their faith even at the risk of their lives.

The enemy however has never given up. Infact, the Bible says, “He is now having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”, Rev. 12:12. That is why the battle is getting fiercer these days, and that is why the Lord commanded His disciples to go and reproduce others, duplicates of Christ. The victory and survival of the Church and all her members depend on the Holy Spirit, to which this School of Disciples is established.
The school of Disciples is a unique school to train the disciples of Jesus Christ. It was founded by the help of the Holy Spirit under the Christ the Redeemers’ Ministries, which is an evangelical arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God through our Principal Pastor E .A Adeboye who is also the General Overseer of the Church. This unique school is meant to go round the world in consonant with the biblical injunction written in (Matt. 28:19). “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (NIV)”.
This school is for all believers who are ready to fulfill the command of the master in (John 14:12) “Verily verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my father”. Interestingly, this is the motto of the school hence we are saddled with the responsibility of producing disciples who would do the work of our master Jesus and train dynamic soldiers of the cross for the end time warfare. To also equip faithful men who will in turn teach others as well impact basic teaching on every area of Christian living and service to make believers relevant to this present world and at the end make it to heaven.

The whole training is more or less practical and direct lectures from the principal (Pastor E.A Adeboye) himself. We will therefore recommend this school to all denominations all over the world. Our focus is to make you an end time army of Jesus Christ. May you remain heavenly conscious and focus as you go through the journey of life.

The Purpose

To produce disciples who would do the works of Jesus
To train dynamic soldiers of the cross for this endtime warfare
To equip faithful men who will in turn teach others
To impact basic teachings on every area of Christian living and service

Our Goals

The Ultimate Goal
To make believers (i. e. members and non members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God) in the whole world trained disciples of Jesus Christ.


Instagram Follow Adder To make members and non members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in both home and abroad trained disciples (i.e. true followers of Jesus Christ).

Immediate Goal

To make sure everyone that enrolls in the School of Disciples knows how to follow Jesus Christ correctly until they get to heaven.

In Summary,
The SOD is meant for every born again and Spirit-filled believers irrespective of their denominations, education level, job status, sex, who is zealous to work with God and willing to be a member of the Last Days Army of the Lord in our world today.


Graduation 2008 Year Book Volume 1.
