Article: Global Impact of Technologies

Creative Arts Solution 


a non-governmental foundation 
Article: Global Impact of Technologies
Author: Olusola David, Ayibiowu

Edition: 5

Year: August, 2017

Published: Online by Creative Arts Solution Foundation
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Over the years, the pace of global impact of technologies is so rapid that new machinery and gadgets are becoming outdated/old fashion overnight.

We live in a world that is at our fingertip  a touch button existence. Within the next generation (if so long) we may not have a single living person in this country who is not computer literate, and capable of mastering a cell phone; certainly by then both computer and cell phones would not be anything looking like what we are seeing now.
Technology according to Oxford living Dictionaries, The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

The advent of modern technologies

It has undeniably brought so much comfort to the lives of people. It has supported major industries in so many ways that production has become so large scale enough to meet human needs for agricultural and industrial produces. But one drawback caused by technological advancement is overshadowed by these comforts, and that is depletion of the natural resources. Awareness has been raised regarding this condition that have lead to a revolution in the use of natural resources have been made and brought the enhancement of energy-technologies.


Digital technology has certainly brought about many changes in the quality of our lifestyle. And the education sector is no exception to this change. Even though some might call it an overhyped phenomenon,
A deeper look into the many layers of education would give a clear picture about the effects of digital technology in this sector. Lets look at some of these changes in higher education systems that can be attributed to technological advances. 
For example, Children at nursery school level are meddling with them and even seeing students/young persons reading a guide or booklet on instructions/functions of these devices, yet they become wizards of them in the wink of an eye simply by fingering with them.

So we are in the age of advanced science and technology that has almost completely taken over the world, yes! But from an observation is that even though our youths are so sharp, slick and quick in mastering these devices, many of them are in no way  even remotely in some cases  equally skillful/competent in basic reading/comprehension; the world of literature seems completely lost and a novelty to many.
They struggle to read a sentence, cannot pronounce very simple words, so that the task of reading becomes a drudge, a painful and un-pleasurable activity.
They are at fingertip on top of the world in the use of gadgets and devices but are creeping on the other side of town in the world of literature.
In the area of education and with all the new inventions and mechanical devices/gadgets, science will certainly improve and prolong human existence and make work less laborious and burdensome.
Two energy sources renewable-energy
What are the two energy sources renewable-energy? Basically energy resource is either renewable or nonrenewable. An energy source is considered renewable resource only if it is replaced by natural processes and is replenished with the passage of time. Renewable energy on the other hand are resources with sustainable yields. Sadly, the major sources of energy that is used to manage technology are nonrenewable, meaning they can be depleted. They include gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel, and other products derived from fossil fuels which are non-renewable. The depletion of nonrenewable energy source will be inevitable because it is not replenished. Because of this, attentions are gradually shifted to the use of renewable-energy-technologies.
Sustainable energy which is often regarded as renewable resources is the provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. They include plant matter, solar power, wind power, wave power, geothermal power and tidal power. It usually also includes technologies that improve energy efficiency otherwise called renewable-energy-technologies.
Solar energy is a form of renewable-energy which supports technologies. Solar energy is the energy derived directly from the Sun. It is the most abundant source of energy on Earth and the fastest growing type of alternative energy. Renewable-energy-technologies through solar energy use the photovoltaic cell. It converts sunlight directly into electricity. The Sun yearly delivers more than 10,000 times the energy that humans presently consume.
Wind power is another replenishable source. It derived from uneven heating of the Earth's surface from the Sun and the warm core. Renewable-energy-technologies supported by wind power is generated by electricity gathered via converting the rotation of turbine blades into electrical current by means of an electrical generator. 
Hydropower is a very common resource used to run renewable-energy-technologies. The power is derived from the movement of water in rivers and oceans, which can be used to generate electricity using turbines, or can be used mechanically to do useful work. Another renewable source is geothermal power which is produced via directly harnessing the natural flow of heat from the ground.
Other renewable-energy-technologies run by alcohol products. Alcohol derived from corn, sugar cane, switch grass are all renewable source of energy. There are other oils from plants and seeds can be used as alternative energy source for non-renewable diesel.

The Information Age  

Its also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization. The onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age. The definition of what digital means (or what information means) continues to change over time as new technologies, user devices, methods of interaction with other humans and devices enter the domain of research, development and market launch.
The era of Information Age, the phenomenon is that the digital industry creates a knowledge-based society surrounded by a high-tech global economy that spans over its influence on how the manufacturing throughout and the service sector operate in an efficient and convenient way. 
In a commercialized society, the information industry is able to allow individuals to explore their personalized needs, therefore simplifying the procedure of making decisions for transactions and significantly lowering costs for both the producers and buyers. This is accepted overwhelmingly by participants throughout the entire economic activities for efficacy purposes, and new economic incentives would then be indigenously encouraged, such as the knowledge economy.
The Information Age formed by capitalizing on computer microminiaturization advances. This evolution of technology in daily life and social organization has led to the fact that the modernization of information and communication processes has become the driving force of social evolution.
Today we are living in the era of advanced technology where in every part of our daily life is penetrated by it in some or the other way. But technology intervention is not just restricted to smartphones, GPS locators, smart watches etc. There is a lot more to explore in this space. Technology has pervaded not only in terms of making our lives easier but to transform our physical well-being as well. 
Wellness gadgets

It has made way for revolutionary wellness gadgets that utilize inexpensive hardware components and sensors, ubiquitous and advanced wireless connectivity, intelligent computing, storage in the cloud and a smartphone to operate them all. Fitness tracking watches and belts, Gym Watch, health monitoring thermometer, heart rate headphones, quantum magnetic body analyzer etc. are some of the intelligent and handy machines created through technology to help people live better. Meanwhile, massage chairs, LED light therapy devices for wrinkles, handheld skin de-clogger are some of the gadgets associated with spas, redefining the skincare routine, to deliver an instant beauty boost. People who are well-exposed to the tech evolution globally and are willing to spend a significant part of their disposable incomes to invest in good health and appearance made for a ready customer base for such developments.
Today, everyone wants to look beautiful inside-out and with the wide availability of innovative and high-tech beauty treatments in the market.  But no matter how easy it is now to acquire a slimmer waistline and trimmed hips without a surgery, prettier skin without a doctor's visit, fuller &firmer skin and less gray hair without dyeing, one must keep in mind that these are still medical procedures. Hence, one should keep realistic expectations from these non-invasive cosmetic procedures. This however does not take away from the fact that technology has clearly answered our search for advanced products or machines to help us stay beautiful and youthful for a longer period of time. Under the right supervision and modern methodologies, regaining your beauty quotient is now a tangible reality!

Advent of technology has made our life worth living

The advancement in technology has revolutionized the human life. Now a day application of cutting-edge technologies can be seen in every facet of life. Has it been education, banking, manufacturing industry or travel, latest bleeding-edge computers, online applications have been incorporated, which in turn has revamped human life. Science and technology have played a prolific role in transforming the way people would have imagined the world would be.

To begin with, the advancement in nano-technology in the province of the medical industry has been attainable only because of most-recent computer algorithms. Such deliberate developments have paved the way for numerous successful researches that in turn have alleviated various epidemics, horrendous for dwellers. This can be confirmed from the most-recent edition of the medical magazine, which asserted that scientists have found a cure for the epidemic swine-flue, which was propagated from swines. Moreover, an experimental analysis effectuated on swines has imparted an impetus to the invention of the drug for this ailment. Therefore, implementation of computers and technology has assisted in extenuating the severe plagues from the society and as a result, attenuated dwellers rate of mortality.
In addition to transforming medical industry, employment of technology in the domain of communication cannot be undermined. Revolutionary e-mail, telecommunication and social networking have rejuvenated the method denizens used for interaction with loved ones and friends. It can be seen from the latest report of the IMF, which contend that proliferate emailing and video conferencing have begot  90% of information technology industry to be outsourced and consequently, promulgated migration of skilled workers. Moreover, social-networking has transmuted the way residents communicate with relatives. Considering the aftermath of globalization, which has stimulated opportunities for employees in foreign countries, role of social media cannot be overshadowed. Hence, it can be confirmed, that, technology has assisted natives with application in communication.
Digital technology and computerized devices affected the lives of the deaf?
The deaf have access to a wide range of technologies, one of the most deaf specific that we may mentioned is a telephone service they can use of which allows them to use a device called a "textphone" (this is evolving to remove the specific hardware NGT Text Relay) to allow deaf users to make phone calls through an operator.
Subtitles allow deaf users to engage with television without waiting for niche shows, the ability with digital TV and other services to enable it to be switched on or off. With obligations put on by regulators we see this increasingly useful for so many people, but we need to maintain the standards as we move toward the web and not leave people behind again.

The internet also allows deaf people who might feel isolated to find a community and even integrate on a level playing field without being judged for their differences.


According to new research from Robert D. Atkinson and John Wu of the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the menacing forecast that robots are coming for all our jobs is a false alarm. About half the activities people are paid almost $15 trillion in wages to do have the potential to be automated, and about 60 percent of all occupations have at least 30 percent of constituent activities that could be automated  McKinsey & Co.
In all cases, Robot has raised so many issues when it comes to technology in the area of replacing jobs. 

For example, We are at a place similar to when the train was being conceived and built for the first times. People understood it, it was expected, and then it had a few routes that were considered a good way to profit. So trains expanded their influence. What jobs did they take? The fellow who could handle four to six horses and pull a heavy wagon. A whole system of moving goods was obliterated. Transporting people by wagon was a healthy service. Gone.
There are few questions on robots as follows:
There will be no job that they wont take over. True or False?
Will robots replace unskilled jobs in the near future?

Will robots and other forms of automation replace unskilled and semiskilled jobs in the near future?

Is your job one of 12 jobs that robots will be doing?

What jobs will be replaced by robots?

To sum up, application of technology has made human life worth living, and its application in the area of , social, political, religion, medicine and communication is paramount. With implementation of technology in daily life has changed human life, and it will continue converting the world as a place equipped with the latest technical advances and worthy of living.
