Song Title: Help of God. Song written by Olusola David Ayibiowu April 8 2017

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Christian / Gospel from Lagos, NG.
Title of Song: Help of God

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Song written by: Olusola David, Ayibiowu
Song Title: Help of God

Brief story about the song:
I received this song in a dream on the April 8, 2017 and as I woke early in the morning then the song was still ringing in my spirit as I kept singing on until I later developed the song in audio but still in progress.

Watch out coming soon…
Author: Olusola David, Ayibiowu
Song Title: Help of God
Year: April 8, 2017
Edition: First

Verse 1
He is my helper
In time of trouble
He is my helper
In time of need
He is my helper and helper in everything Chorus
Oh oh oooooooo
He’s help,
Help of God, He’s help
Help from God
He’s help,
My helper in everything (2ce)
My helper in everything
